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来源 : 互联网    时间:2023-04-12 07:11:50


1、工作贡献Work contribution例句:1周边绩效中的工作贡献对感情许诺发生了显明的正向预测作用;The job dedication of contextual performance has obvious positive prediction on affective commitment. 2相反,它们能显示我们为工作做出贡献和承担责任的能力。

2、 Instead, they can express our ability to contribute or take charge. 3根据你的生活环境,也许你希望对工作贡献少些,而把更多的时间放在生活其它关键领域。

3、 Depending on your life circumstances, you may want to contribute less and put in more time on another key area of your life, he says.。


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